Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science (CPNSS)--自然科学和社会科学哲学中心




  The Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science (CPNSS), established in 1990, aims to promote research into philosophical, methodological and foundational questions arising in the natural and the social sciences, as well as their application to practical problems.

  The Centre seeks to achieve this aim by supporting interdisciplinary and inter-institutional endeavours of different kinds and maintaining international collaborations and partnerships. It is home to a number of research projects bringing together academics from different backgrounds, and it hosts researchers pursuing individual research initiatives. A Visitors' Programme gives philosophers of science from all over the world the opportunity to reside in the Centre for a term or an academic year, to participate in existing projects and to pursue their own research.

  The Centre supports several seminar series, hosts public lectures, organises conferences and workshops, and hosts events of professional societies, among them the regular meetings of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science. All these activities contribute to a lively intellectual environment with a full calendar of events.